
Scrum - The agile deveopment framework

Hi all,  This article is all about Scrum software development framework. Hope this article will be more useful  for the newbies of the field and for the people who are wishing to step in to the industry. In software development we adapt different development approaches like the the waterfall model, agile development,  spiral development etc.The widely used methodology in today's industry is the agile methodology. The key feature of agile development , it is being iterative and incremental.   Agile development has a certain manifesto. It includes, Individuals and interactions over processes and tools   Working software over comprehensive documentations Customer collaborations over contract negotiation    Responding to change over following a plan                            ...

Automated Testing Using Selenium Webdriver and TestNG

Hello  all, Welcome back. So this blog is with regard to automated testing using Selenium Web driver and TestNG. Before talking about the the procedure of performing the testing functionalities I'll explain you in  a nutshell on what automated testing is As the name suggests Automated testing is the testing done without manually entering data, without the direct involvement of a user, performed with a testing tool. Here virtual users are created. Wikipedia says "I n software testing , test automation is the use of special software (separate from the software being tested ) to control the execution of tests and the comparison of actual outcomes with predicted outcomes. " So coming back to our testing procedure... Out intention- To test the functionalities of website. What do we use? An IDE (Eclipse/NetBeans etc.)- I use Netbeans here(should have installed JDK as well) Selenium WebDriver TestNG               ...

TCP/IP Reference Model

TCP/IP Reference Model Hello welcome you all!! This is a quick short blog regarding the TCP/IP reference model in networking. Hope you guys will learn something new through this. What is TCP/IP reference model???? Before giving an introduction on the TCP/IP model I may give you a brief history on how this architecture was emerged. This model emerged with ARPANET. ARPANET is a research network sponsored by the Department of Defence USA hence can briefly define as the beginning of internet. Through ARPANET it connected hundreds of universities and government installations via a leased line. But when other networking technologies like satellite and radio networks came in to use the existing protocol became trouble shooting. So, to overcome this problem TCP/IP reference model was introduced. TCP/IP reference model was capable of connecting multiple networks. TCP/IP reference model is a 4 layered reference model. Four layers of the model respectively are application lay...