TCP/IP Reference Model
TCP/IP Reference Model Hello welcome you all!! This is a quick short blog regarding the TCP/IP reference model in networking. Hope you guys will learn something new through this. What is TCP/IP reference model???? Before giving an introduction on the TCP/IP model I may give you a brief history on how this architecture was emerged. This model emerged with ARPANET. ARPANET is a research network sponsored by the Department of Defence USA hence can briefly define as the beginning of internet. Through ARPANET it connected hundreds of universities and government installations via a leased line. But when other networking technologies like satellite and radio networks came in to use the existing protocol became trouble shooting. So, to overcome this problem TCP/IP reference model was introduced. TCP/IP reference model was capable of connecting multiple networks. TCP/IP reference model is a 4 layered reference model. Four layers of the model respectively are application lay...